
Yoga Vashishta is a spiritual text in Hindu philosophy that is considered to be one of the longest and most…
Yoga Vashishta is a spiritual text in Hindu philosophy that is considered to be one of the longest and most…
Our highest psychic state, or nature (Prakriti), leads us in a dance toward awakening. But when we become aware of…
Our highest psychic state, or nature (Prakriti), leads us in a dance toward awakening. But when we become aware of…
The Tantra Agamas are a collection of Hindu scriptures that mainly focus on the worship of the divine through various…
The Tantra Agamas are a collection of Hindu scriptures that mainly focus on the worship of the divine through various…
shiva parvati - ardhanarishwar Shiv Swarodaya is the basic scripture on the science of breath. Here, we have tried to…
shiva parvati - ardhanarishwar Shiv Swarodaya is the basic scripture on the science of breath. Here, we have tried to…




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